Detalles del post: Ride With Me

Ride With Me

Mayo 30th, 2008

"The killer awoke before dawn. He put his boots on, he took a face from the ancient gallery and he walked on down the hall. He went into the room where his sister lived and he... He paid a visit to his brother and then he... He walked on down the hall, and he came to a door and he looked inside. Father? - Yes son? - I want to kill you. He said, what? And, mother? I want to fuck you, for what you put me through. So what you got, so fuck you. It's coming back to you. So what you got"

No hay mucho más que añadir.

Ride With Me es una canción de Bloodsimple, publicada en su disco Red Harvest. Podéis escucharla haciendo haciendo .


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